Powering Hope
By Cayce P. The Hussein* family lost their farm nearly eight years ago as their when they fled their home city of Aleppo and became refugees, the war taking the final bit of the livelihoods they’d tried to hold onto as conflict took hold of Syria. For generations, they and many of their neighbors had been farmers, harvesting crops and raising animals both they and their community members depended upon. But indiscriminate bombings and deliberate government attacks took all of that from them, leaving them without homes, lands and their way of life.
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
By Bindia M. We all look like one happy family, and we are, but it has not always been that way for our friend John, who lost his job when he was 60 years old, couldn’t pay rent working in restaurants and found himself homeless in 2003. John is 78 years old and had been homeless until recently, for 18 years.
Adopt A Grandad
By Josiah Haken. I have a friend named Bindia who started volunteering with City Relief at the peak of the pandemic in 2020. She enthusiastically served for an hour or so before asking me if we were safe in the Harlem community where we set up. I smiled and told her we were no less safe than we would be walking from point A to point B in any other part of the city. She accepted that answer and continued to show up.
By Christopher M. I met Bindia around seven years ago and in that time I’ve become great friends with her and her husband Paul. We’ve done life together, shared stories over meals, worked out in flywheel classes, and grew in wisdom through a mini book club. We continue to catch up every week and go through a chapter or so of the book we’re reading highlighting what speaks to us. But the real joy of this friendship comes in sharing the great things we’ve witnessed in our lives, through our shared Faith in God.
A Miracle
By Faith M. Arne and I met Hector panhandling outside Starbucks in downtown Manhattan back in Jan 2018, which he continues to do as it is his only source of income. He used to drive huge trucks for a living and traveled all over the US. Unfortunately, due to a back injury several years ago, Hector is unable to walk easily and is pretty much confined to a wheelchair. He continues to do what he can to survive and he began drawing a year or so ago and trying to sell his pictures as he doesn't like to just ask for money. Even so, he barely makes enough.
Don’t Walk By, Feb 2021
By Bindia M. Until quite recently, more often than not, I WOULD walk by. I would not see the person sitting on the street with a sign asking for something, and even if I did, I would not know what to say, or how to help. Instead I would make no eye contact and avoid the person . This February, we participated in an annual citywide outreach called Don’t Work By (DWB).
Syria: 10 Years On
By Cayce P. Who would have thought that those words could evoke so much emotion. We realised during our recent outreaches that there are many hungry people walking around in this city and decided as a New Year Resolution to never leave home without some sandwiches. This week, one moment I was overcome with joy and a heart just wanting to burst; and then hours later, there was pure heartbreak.
Would you like a sandwich?
By Bindia M. Who would have thought that those words could evoke so much emotion. We realised during our recent outreaches that there are many hungry people walking around in this city and decided as a New Year Resolution to never leave home without some sandwiches. This week, one moment I was overcome with joy and a heart just wanting to burst; and then hours later, there was pure heartbreak.
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Volunteer your time! Can you spare a couple of hours? We are looking for volunteers to sort, organize and distribute clothes to our migrant families. We are happy to pay for the Uber - we just need your time. Perfect for teenagers who need community hours.
School, Church or Corporation? Please contact us if you would like to do a coat, clothes, toiletries or toy drive. We can all do something! Email us here
Unhoused Neighbors: Come join us serving our homeless and low-income neighbors for 3 hours at one of City Relief’s several locations around the city. No previous experience necessary! You can sign up as young as 16! Sign up here. For More: click in this box